Monday, August 31, 2009

Call of the Orient...

Last Friday, like every weekend my sleek Aussie temptress beckoned me for yet another tryst. Not being very strong willed to resist her charms, I answered her call. It just so happened that we were both longing for the pleasures of the far East and an idea occurred to me - 'Honey'.

To be precise - 'Honey mustard grilled chicken'. I am drawing a blank for a better, more imaginative name for the dish we concocted. If after reading, and hopefully trying the recipe, you are struck by a sudden inspiration for a name, please let us know.

In our quest for Asian inspired grilled fare, we have had several follies, few accidental discoveries and even fewer moments of true genius. Described here is the distillate of all those experiences. Without further ado, here is the recipe:

The bird:
2.5 - 3 lbs chicken in grill-able size pieces. (too large and you have to discount for the inevitable charcoal crust. Too tiny and frequently it becomes all charcoal)

The marinade:
4 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp mustard preferably the kind with coarse ground seeds.
1 tbsp horseradish sauce (or a couple packets of Arby's Horsey sauce ;-)
2 tbsp ginger-garlic paste. Easily substituted by a tablespoon of each - finely chopped up.
1 tbsp ground black pepper
salt to taste
optional- for an extra kick - add some hot red chilli-pepper.

Whisk it all together and apply generously on the skinned and patted dry chicken.
Leave it in the fridge overnight or at least for 3-4 hours.

Our sizzling Aussie gave the chicken thigh pieces a beautiful caramelized glaze in about 5-6 minutes each side. Needless to say, you gotta consult your own grill on this one.

Heavenlicious - may be an incorrect adjective as per British or American English, but then as we say out in the far East - communication is only partly via language. (totally made up!)

Hope you like it.

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