Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Curdle milk - the Greek way

So what is different in Greek yogurt you might ask?!
It is probably another one of those over-priced European dairy products you might answer your own question.

The thing though is, you would be wrong to answer thus. Check out the list of ingredients on a Greek yogurt and compare it to any other - no pectin, carageenan (whatever that is), corn-starch or any other non-milk bilge.
Also look at the nutrition information. It will blow you away.

The Greeks (or as Bush calls them - Grecians), make yogurt using nothing other than milk and then strain most of the whey out of it. This results into a fantastically creamy textured yogurt with very little carbohydrate (as lactose) and high protein. The fat-free Greek yogurt is impossibly delicious, especially when you realize that most of the calories in it are due to the high protein content.

I have seen two brands Oikos and Fage in our local Byerlys stores.
Definitely worth checking out!!

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